
Monday, September 29, 2014

Autoclave Sterilization Using Baglog or Heating / Steamer

Autoclave Sterilization Using Baglog or Heating / Steamer
Baglog sterilization using an autoclave or heating / steamer takes relatively briefly, just for 15 minutes. Heating this way is done pulau pramuka  at 121 ° C. The trick is quite simple, baglog who are ready and already sterilized materials must first be staying put in the autoclave. Advantages baglog sterilization using this method is that it can save you time, but high costs for investment tool. However for long term cultivation and berskinambungan it will be more profitable.

Sterilization Baglog Using Oil Drum
Baglog sterilization using less expensive drums have an advantage when compared to sterilization using an autoclave or heater / steamer so as to reduce the cost of production. But take a long time in the sterilizing process. In addition, oil drums must be large in order to accommodate a capacity of approximately 50 baglog to save time so that also can reduce the cost of production. Ways baglog sterilization using this method is actually also quite easy, that is enough oil heating on the stove or fire. The length of time required for the

After performing the sterilization process, both material and sterilization sterilization baglog, the next step is the cooling process. In this poses, baglog sterilized earlier, ie for 15 minutes for sterilization using an autoclave or heating / steamer and 8 hours for sterilization using drums, baglog must be cooled before planting. Make sure baglog has become cold before planting, just after a really cold then planting seed oyster mushrooms.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Mangosteen is a fruit crop in the form of well-native tree well-shaded from the tropical forests in Southeast Asia, namely Malaysia situs judi poker online terbaik terpercaya or Indonesia jungle. In Southeast Asia, this plant spreads to the region of Central America & other tropical regions such as Sri Lanka, Malagasy, Caribbean, Hawaii & Northern Australia. In Indonesia, the mangosteen has been given many names such as manggu local (West Java), Manggus (Lampung), Manggusto (North Sulawesi), Manggista (West Sumatra).

2 TYPES OF CROP Mangosteen
Botanical classification of the mangosteen tree is as follows:

     Division: Spermatophyta
     Sub-division: Angiospermae
     Class: Dicotyledonae
     Family: Guttiferae
     Genus: Garcinia
     Species: Garcinia L

Research Center for Fruit Tree Solok recommend three clones mangosteen, namely:

     Large groups: leaf length> 20 cm; width> 10 cm; rind thickness> 9 mm; diameter of> 6.5 cm; fruit weight> 140 grams; fruit bunches per 1 item.
     Groups are: leaves 17-20 cm long; width from 8.5 to 10 cm; skin thickness of 6-9 mm; diameter of 5.5 to 6.5 cm; weight of 70-140 grams; 1-2 bunches of fruit each item.
     Small groups: leaf length <17 cm; Agen Judi Poker, Domino Online Indonesia Terpercaya width <8.5 cm; rind thickness <6 mm; diameter of <5.5, cm; fruit weight <70 grams; Every fruit bunches> 2 items. Well-developed clones are MBS1, MBS2, MBS3, MBS4, MBS5, MBS6 & MBS 7.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

La forma de procesamiento

La forma de procesamiento:
1 luz del Suelo / flojo: arado de la tierra o en lo profundo azada 1-2 veces menos
más de 20 cm, aplanados plantado directamente
2 Terreno pesado y acuosa: la tierra arada o azada 1-2 veces más profundo
aproximadamente 20 cm, también se hacen camas hechas camas o montículos
canales de drenaje, sólo se pueden plantar
  La sociedad de Indonesia ya está muy familiarizado con esta una comida, yuca. La yuca o mandioca se conoce como la comida a menudo Situs Judi Poker Online Terbaik Terpercaya se afirma que es sólo superada por el arroz como un alimento rico en contenido de carbohidratos a menudo.

Cómo crecer yuca de hecho no es demasiado difícil, siempre y cuando no hay tierra para cultivar yuca. Debido a la vida fácil, colocamos la madera en la yuca planta solo puede crecer nuevos brotes. De hecho, el origen de la madera yuca solo paso de hecho puede crecer la planta de yuca. Mucho menos que el máximo crecimiento de la yuca, yuca plantar la manera correcta hará que sea un crecimiento más óptimo de la yuca. Bueno cómo plantar yuca bien?

¿Cómo hacer crecer la yuca, así se verá más adelante. Yuca método de siembra adecuadamente He aquí algunos pasos sobre cómo plantar yuca correctamente:

     1 Preparación de yuca Seed Seed es el tronco, el tronco es bueno para el diámetro del tallo de las plántulas de unos 2-3 cm. Corte los tallos para ser usado como semillas con longitud que varía desde 15 hasta 22 cm mediante el uso de una guadaña estéril, no corte usando sierras,