
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Papaya plant pests terms determinant in the success or failure rate

Papaya plant pests terms determinant in the success or failure rate of planting papaya cultivation .Pests and diseases of papaya plants tremendous influence on papaya plants . If we planted papaya experiencing symptoms of the arrival of pests should be overcome . Many are careless in handling this issue . Bintaro Xchange Mall  Most of them were new treat pests . if plants are infected with pests is more difficult to overcome.

My suggestion is better to prevent than to cure .
Disorders of papaya plants are grouped into two PEST and DISEASE . Flower breeding period was the most experienced in the second period is during the dry season that usually come to disturb papaya most types of pests while in the rainy season disorder that is often experienced disease / fungus .
pepayaA . Pests papaya groups are:Mealybug or plant liceMites red / brown / greenFruit flies .
Papaya plant pests into the above three kinds of cells are usually suck fluid in the tissues . ( leaf stems papaya fruit is by using his mouth ) . consequently it can contract leaves , straw brass fruit damaged outer skin and flesh color it if mateng blonteng ( bangle ) If not immediately addressed his growth and damaged even death . Mealybug pests , mites , fruit flies , usually appears during the dry season , the rainy season usually goes away by itself .
Fleas and ticks fleas white
Papaya pest is a small white membrane covered in soft yarn . clustered proliferated , spreading to fly with the wind and colonized by ants . .
How to ruin :Sucking fluid stem cells in the leaf tissue of fruit is by using his mouth . As a result the leaves can mengkerujut damaged leaf dehydration
Mall di Jakarta and death . If stuck in this mealybug clustered fruit and papaya fruit to absorb the liquid .
How to cope :If exposed to mealybugs spray with insecticide , which is potent to this day please wear alika insecticides . ( read the rules of use in the packaging and do not use more than the recommended dose ) If severe pest attacks add detergent . Prune severely affected parts of the papaya and destroy .
pepayaTugau pest red / brown / greenSimilar forms of pest spider mites are small less than 1mm
How to ruin :The papaya plant pests suck the leaf buds and young shoots of plants . Part of being attacked discolored scars become yellow and black polka dots and grow wrinkled unhealthy . .
Solution:If exposed to red mite control with sulfur flour exhales into the manner in which infected papaya leaf surface . or spraying using acaricides ( such kelthane or morestan ) . ( read the rules of use in the packaging and do not use more than the recommended dose )
Fruit fliesPapaya fruit fly pests are usually pierced with oral appliance snout through the skin of fruit and then put telurnya.Masa / period of about 0.1 to 20 eggs a day . Papaya fruit fly breeding fast and clustered . The effects of the sting of his loss , if not his rotok became swollen lump .
buahcara fly pest handle :Create a trap with plastic bottles in excitatory use petrogenol , or put in mothballs hanging around papaya , functions as a repellent fruit flies fruit flies make no appetite .
Disease Group B. Group Mushrooms can be identified as follows:bacterial wiltDamping rod

Kontes SEO 2014 Stem rotAnthracnose / rotten fruit .


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